Dear colleagues,
Having recently concluded the work of the previous cartel, we are pleased to inform you the composition of the EFP pass cartel for the SLP.
This cartel will be functioning during the biennium that goes from March 2020 until the end of February 2022. It will be conformed by:
Plus One: Jean-Daniel Matet.
Patricia Bosquin Caroz, Paola Bolgiani, Marco Focchi, Massimo Termini.
Pass Secretary: Luisella Brusa.
Following the orientation of the WAP, we have reduced the function of the Secretary to one person, in order to allow the SLP pass cartel to be aligned with the cartels of the pass of the other WAP Schools.
Domenico Cosenza
- Président de l’EFP
Anna Aromi
- Secrétaire AMP de la passe
Loretta Biondi
Présidente de la SLP