PIPOL 10 – 2021

PIPOL 10 – 2021

European Congress of Psychoanalysis
Brussels, the 3rd & 4th of July 2021

Wanting a Child?
Desire for Family and Clinic of Filiations


Direction : Dominique Holvoet

Commission d’organisation naissante : Anne Debecker, Astrid Lacroix, Cécilia Naranjo, Céline Aulit, Céline Danloy, Claire Piette, Guy Poblome, Katty Langelez, Marta Gonzalez, Nathalie Crame, Phénicia Leroy, Thomas Roïc, Thomas Van Rumst, Véronique Pipers, Virginie Leblanc
et beaucoup d’autres à venir

Avec le soutien et la participation du bureau de l’EFP : Domenico Cosenza (président), Maria Bolgiani (secrétaire), Alide Tassinari (trésorière)


Desire for Family and Clinic of Filiations

From 1938 Jacques Lacan poses the human family as an institution (1). The frantic attempts to reduce it to a biological fact are part of a lost cause aimed at protecting the natural order of the real, particularly in relation to the questions of reproduction and sexuality. The illusion of a so-called natural family has been shattered from the moment that science impacted on nature and the real therein escaped, provoking great disorder in the traditional structures of human experience. It is against the background of these mounting impasses that Jacques-Alain Miller, in 2012, called for an updating of our analytical practice (2).

PIPOL 10 – 2021

The new cartel of the Pass

Dear colleagues,
Having recently concluded the work of the previous cartel, we are pleased to inform you the composition of the EFP pass cartel for the SLP.
This cartel will be functioning during the biennium that goes from March 2020 until the end of February 2022. It will be conformed by:
Plus One: Jean-Daniel Matet.
Patricia Bosquin Caroz, Paola Bolgiani, Marco Focchi, Massimo Termini.
Pass Secretary: Luisella Brusa.
Following the orientation of the WAP, we have reduced the function of the Secretary to one person, in order to allow the SLP pass cartel to be aligned with the cartels of the pass of the other WAP Schools.

PIPOL 10 – 2021

Communique from the Council and the Executive Committee of the EFP

Dear colleagues,

The spread of Coronavirus has quickly entered the daily life of our countries, our cities, our families. And unexpectedly, as a disturbing agent, it has entered the life of our analytic community. A few days ago, this virus was defined by the World Health Organization as a pandemic; its spread has become planetary. After its initial development in China, where its dissemination seems to have stopped, it has found its epicenter in Europe, firstly in Northern Italy. States are taking steps to contain its spread and reduce its devastating effects on health and on the economy.

With this Communique, the Council and the Executive Committee of the EFP intend, above all, to send a message of solidarity to all countries, communities, families and people affected by this pandemic, and to all our colleagues who are currently experiencing, at various levels, the concern produced by the development of this pathology.

Secondly, we verify that this situation radically modifies, as occurs in all aspects of collective life, the functioning of the life of our analytical community. The Congresses, the international, national and local activities that punctuate our work for the School under normal circumstances, are being gradually canceled or delayed due to the spread of the virus, for obvious reasons relative to health prevention, and according to the measures adopted by government authorities of each State.

Moreover, the incidence of this pandemic intimately concerns the exercise of analytical practice in those places where contagion has become dramatic: avoiding physical contact, as indicated by health authorities, in the countries where the spread of the virus has spiked – principally in Italy -, has rendered problematic the analytical session in its normal operation. This raises a series of unprecedented problems for us, to which we are confronted in this urgent situation, and which concern the life of the analytical discourse in times of an epidemic such as the current one.

The European Schools of Psychoanalysis, and in particular their Presidents, are at work in this unprecedented situation to be able to, within the context of the EFP Council, face up to the problems that this entails for the transmission of psychoanalysis and for the exercise of its practice, both in Europe and in the world.


Domenico Cosenza (président de l’EFP), pour le Conseil et le Bureau de l’Eurofédération de Psychanalyse :


  • Loretta Biondi (présidente de la SLP),
  • Laurent Dupont (président de l’ECF),
  • Angelina Harari (présidente de l’AMP)
  • Bernard Seynhaeve (président de la NLS),
  • Oscar Ventura (président de la ELP);
  • Maria Bolgiani (Secrétaire de l’EFP),
  • Alide Tassinari (Trésorerie de l’EFP)